Nützliche Informationen und Themen über All-In-One Kassensysteme und Kassensoftware

Kassensysteme; All-In-One POS Platform

All-in-one, the Elo PayPoint is your register, cash drawer, credit
card reader, barcode scanner, receipt printer, and customer facing
display for your favorite point of sale (POS) software application.
PayPoint integrates with all your back-office applications, leveraging
the management and security of Microsoft Windows.
Designed for ease of serviceability, PayPoint provides easy access to memory
and storage compartments. Performance for point of sale applications is
powered by an Intel Celeron quad-core processor. The flip-for-signature touch
screen encourages shopper engagement and electronic receipt delivery. Retail
peripheral expansion is supported by additional serial and USB connections.
All-in-one, the Elo PayPoint is your register, cash drawer, credit
card reader, barcode scanner, receipt printer, and customer facing
display for your favorite point of sale (POS) software application.
PayPoint integrates with all your back-office applications, leveraging
the management and security of Microsoft Windows.
Designed for ease of serviceability, PayPoint provides easy access to memory
and storage compartments. Performance for point of sale applications is
powered by an Intel Celeron quad-core processor. The flip-for-signature touch
screen encourages shopper engagement and electronic receipt delivery. Retail
peripheral expansion is supported by additional serial and USB connections.

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eMail: info@abacus-software.de



A. Assadzadeh

USt-IdNr. DE283422715
USt-Nr. 133/5008/3714

Gerichtsstand: Düsseldorf

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